Tina Lee -

About Me

At the age of seven, I knew this was the vocation for me. My mother had provided massage in a health-care setting as a college student. When she was ill, she  taught me how to use my feet and hands to help alleviate pain in her back and neck. I was hooked: this was the greatest thing any person could do for another - relieve suffering.

I have worked in other fields - as a chef, sailor, child-care provider, a market gardener, nursing assistant, tutor, writer.

I graduated summa cum laude from UMA in 2009. 

My writing has been published in academic venues;  my art has been exhibited in group and solo shows. A favorite activity is rendering casual portraits in chalk and watercolor.


I enjoy reading, writing, and sharing poetry. A former member of the a capella group now known as Voxx, my favorite music is ancient and Medieval vocal music. For my own enjoyment, I practice fiddle, guitar, yoga, international dance, dance, tai chi, and meditation.

In 1992 I designed my passive-solar home where you are invited to enjoy the serene surroundings when you come for a massage.